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share & read stories from
the collective

Here at The Chronic Collective we know firsthand the importance of knowing others going through similar situations as you with chronic illness. We want to be a place where our community can find support with each other. One way we can help facilitate that is by sharing your stories on our platform.

We believe that sharing your story has the ability to help give another person encouragement and hope, can help them feel less lonely, can help them get to a diagnosis or treatment and could even help save their life.

We want to help you share yours! Read on to learn how!

share & read stories from
the collective

Here at The Chronic Collective we know firsthand the importance of knowing others going through similar situations as you with chronic illness. We want to be a place where our community can find support with each other. One way we can help facilitate that is by sharing your stories on our platform.

We believe that sharing your story has the ability to help give another person encouragement and hope, can help them feel less lonely, can help them get to a diagnosis or treatment and could even help save their life.

We want to help you share yours! Read on to learn how!


sharing Your story

We Believe That Representation Matters & That Someone Needs To Hear Your Story

Share a photo of yourself on instagram wearing your favorite Chronic Collective pieces and share your story, about your condition, what you are learning about on your journey, or anything you would like to share with others! Then be sure to tag us for an opportunity to be featured on our instagram page so we can amplify your voice and story to our community!

Still Unsure? Here Are Three Benefits to sharing your story

It will empower you and others

Sharing your personal story empowers you to own your story and experience. It can help so many other people too that are just at the beginning, in the middle and even where you are at on your journey. Sharing your experiences can help empower others who may have only recently been diagnosed, who are trying to sort out complicated insurance issues or simply need to know that they aren’t alone.

Education, Awareness and Advocacy

By sharing your story you are not only educating others and spreading awareness, but by doing so you are also paving a way for yourself and those learning from you to advocate for others living with the same or similar conditions. They can put a face and real person to the disease and will feel more empowered to advocate for you and people like you in the future since it now is personal for them too. 

Good for your overall health

Telling stories is how we make sense of our lives. It helps us to look back, understand, make connections and move forward. This understanding can bring more peace when we are able to see how everything is all connected. Sharing our stories also can help others which in-turn helps us feel like our story can make a difference. The peace that comes with feeling purposeful helps our mental & physical health. 

It will empower you and others

Sharing your personal story empowers you to own your story and experience. It can help so many other people too that are just at the beginning, in the middle and even where you are at on your journey. Sharing your experiences can help empower others who may have only recently been diagnosed, who are trying to sort out complicated insurance issues or simply need to know that they aren’t alone.

Education, Awareness and Advocacy

By sharing your story you are not only educating others and spreading awareness, but by doing so you are also paving a way for yourself and those learning from you to advocate for others living with the same or similar conditions. They can put a face and real person to the disease and will feel more empowered to advocate for you and people like you in the future since it now is personal for them too. 

Good for your overall health

Telling stories is how we make sense of our lives. It helps us to look back, understand, make connections and move forward. This understanding can bring more peace when we are able to see how everything is all connected. Sharing our stories also can help others which in-turn helps us feel like our story can make a difference. The peace that comes with feeling purposeful helps our mental & physical health. 

Already shared your story? Great! We can’t wait to read and share it! 

Check out and shop our Action & Advocacy collection to celebrate the step you took today to help others!

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    YAY! Welcome To The Collective Community!

    As promised, here is your 200+ Chronic Condition Resource Guide! All you have to do is click the button below and it will automatically download :)

    YAY! Welcome To The Collective Community!

    As promised, here is your 200+ Chronic Condition Resource Guide! All you have to do is click the button below and it will automatically download :)

    Hey Warrior!

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    Hey Warrior!

    Want our 200+ Chronic Condition Resource Guide For Free?

    Sign up for immediate access to our resource guide with 200+ links to a variety of resources AND also access to our newsletter where you will get exclusive sales, discounts, and the the latest on The Chronic Collective’s clothing and community!